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Chrome Has Fallen

Rejoice! Today the rebellion server known as ChromeMC has been conquered by Chr Corporation! Amanda (Marki) and Calvin (Cmc) have both perished by our mighty hand.

We would like to thank the excellent skills of the Chr Corporation secret police in carrying out one of the most elaborate and daring plans to terminate Marki and her entourage. Marki's former boyfriend, Luke Williamson, was secretly working undercover to infiltrate and utterly destroy the enemy.

The irony of this story comes from the fact Marki plotted to betray her own people on Chrome in an effort to steal them away to another server. She intended to frame Chr Corporation for the crime as to keep her friendships with the rebel people. Fortunately, because of our high integrity, we are alerting the people that she is NOT to be trusted. The true reason Chrome has fallen, was because of Marki's plans to betray her friends.

You can view some of the screenshots of Marki's betrayal on @TeamChromeMC

ChromeMC has been seized by Chr Corporation and will be open for all of the people who betrayed Alluminus. You can connect with the same IP. (

Once again, Chr Corporation comes out on top with two people who have threatened and attacked us dead on the streets where they belong. We encourage the traitors to build new bridges and rejoin our prosperous and secure community where your servers will be protected from any outside threats.

Thank you, and once again, brightening up your day!

-Chr Corporation

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