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Alluminus Survival


General Description: 
We are a small survival server with a friendly community. Our server is designed to be the perfect survival expereince with just enough plugins to enhance the gameplay without ruining the fun and thrill of vanilla survival. We believe very much in simplicity and friendliness. All players of all different ages are welcome on this server, and when you join people will be happy to greet you. Join alluminus today and become part of the great community! 

Our Staff: 
Our staff consists of a small group of mature experienced people that will be happy to assist any player when a problem occurs. This server is run by people who actually know what they are doing, and have past expereince with server management. As staff, our goal is to ensure that all players always have positive experiences when playing and always feel welcome in our community. 

Server Plugins: 
We have some of the best plugins that can enhance your survival gameplay in positive ways. Here is a list of some of them: 
● Essentials 
    - Almost all servers have this, it provided the 'essential' commands to the game. 

● mcMMO 
    - Allows players to rank up certain skill levels to provide advantages in game such as superminer and berserk. 

● CoreProtect 
    - CoreProtect is one of the most advanced anti-grief plugins which allows the staff to fix your builds if they have been griefed. If anything you built was destroyed, call a staff member over and we will fix it immediately. 

● FrameProtect 
    - This is a great plugin that allows players to have their picture frames and item frames automatically protected. This allows players to safely store things in item frames and decorate with painting without the fear of someone breaking them.  

● Crackshot 
    -This plugin adds guns to the game. Yes guns. Well, not really guns but they sound like them. Collect them, shoot them, or sell them. We have over 50 custom made guns on this server. 

● ChestShop  
    - This is a very useful plugin that allows us to have an advanced server market where players can go to buy or sell items and get money. This also allows players to make their own shots and sell their own things as they please. Don't worry, our server is based on a capitalist system allowing people to make money and charge what they wish. 

●  Auctions 
    - Have an item and want to sell it quickly and for the highest price? This plugin allows players to start auctions and have their peers bid on it so they can sell their items! You can sell anything of any value from dirt to guns, or even a dragon egg. 

● LWC 
    - This plugin allows players to lock their chests, furnaces, signs, doors etc. Players can lock things for multiple people, just themselves, or even password protect a door. It is a great plugin that allows players to secure their things. Chests and furnaces will automatically lock for the player when they place them so they don't have to place signs on all of their stuff. 

● Deathchest 
    - This is a great plugin that allows players to not have to worry about losing their items when they die. All you need to do is type deathchest on a sign over a locked chest, and all of your items and most of your exp will be transported to it. 

This server is mostly aimed toward survival. Start projects, make towns, join towns, build, and have fun. Level up mcMMO, fight with guns, open a shop, earn money, build a home and live as a nomad, start a farm, raise horses and so much more. There's so much to discover here at Alluminus. There is one thing however that sets us apart from the other general survival servers. We have a fully functional kit PvP arena which allows players to fight and use multiple kits supplied by the server. Whether you're bored and want something exciting to do or just want to challenge your friend to a fair match of PvP, the arena is ideal for any occasion. 

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