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A Crippling Chrome

Marki's rebellion has been vastly infested with unloyalty and betrayal within its midst. Yesterday evening we were notified by Andre Gabriel, one of Marki's own, that Slime had been hired by Marki to spy on Alluminus.

We confronted Slime this morning and notified him that his cover had been blown. We then proceeded to promptly and efficiently ban him, along with his fellow operatives, from Alluminus.

Upon being apprehended, Slime came crawling back into our office and confessed his misdeeds.

"I'm sorry! I'll abandon Chrome forever!"

- Slime 2016

He continued to plead for our forgiveness and offered to sell out his own friends on Chrome just to get unbanned.

"To regain trust I will trade one traitor in return [for an unban]."

- Slime 2016

"Hector is bad at admin."

- Slime 2016

Of course, we rejcted the begging, treacherous Slime's offer and kicked him out onto the streets where he belongs.

Slime has disowned the people of Chrome, sold out his friends for us, and sworn his loyalty to Alluminus; however, that isn't enough. We will not show mercy to those who plot against us. Slime will remain on the streets until Marki and CmC once again bring someone in who betrayed her out of her own desperation.

Slime isn't the only one lacking loyalty within Chrome. We can also see it through Marki, when she insults her own boss, Cmc. She has openly talked about how Cmc has no idea what he is doing and admits that Chome is a disaster. She goes on to refer to him as a "little kid".

"Are you really going to hurt this little kid's [Cmc's] server?"

- Marki 2016

Furthermore, we can all learn that Chrome is full of incompetent and corrupt staff who distrust each other greatly. Their server is falling apart on its own due to the lack of skilled and smart leadership. This just marks the beginning of the end for the disaster of a server they call Chrome.

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