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Staff Changes

Today marks the day of a few new changes in the staff team. Oliver's reign as Mayor, Chairman of the Board, and Senior Admin has come to a screeching halt. Although today was the official day he was finally removed from office, today is not the day we mourn over the loss of the good man Oliver once was.

A long time ago Oliver was Bloopchr's right hand man in business. This all changed when Oliver had been manipulated, played, and outsmarted by one of our enemies. His loyalty to Chr Corporation had been compromised that day, as he began working for someone we stood against. Fortunately, Bloopchr was loyal to his friend and rehired Oliver as staff. Ever since this incident, things were not the same with Oliver. He still liked to think he had pride, but his dignity and honor had been destroyed when he demonstrated his susceptibility to manipulation from a rather simpleminded group of people. That was the day we mourn the loss of Oliver; the capable Oliver, the smart Oliver. The loyal Oliver.

Today, a few months after this incident, an honorless Oliver without his dignity decided to walk off the server and step down from his postion in an effort to keep the small bit he had. He threw away his principles, values, and the small amount of loyalty he still had to Chr Corportion today. He betrayed us once again, for the same enemy.

"He changed his mind more than six times throughout this. A man who has that much difficulty choosing who their loyalty lies with lacks principle. A man without principle deserves no respect." -Bloopchr

"Really? Again Oliver? HAHAHAHAHA Omg..." -Markiplite

"He wasn't the same as he used to be anyways. I won't miss him. I think it's funny how he used to criticize me for stabbing Chr Corporation in the back and then he goes out and does this. hahaha I have no regrets about murdering Geoffery." -Ethanchr

"I like how Oliver yells at us saying we have 'no dedication' when we miss one staff meeting for a funeral but then leaves the server." -Zindain

"Well I hope your [You're] very happy." -Olivechr

Today is also the day that marks the beginning of Zindain's well deserved position as Senior Administrator. Zin has been one of the longest playing and most loyal admins that every existed on Alluminus. He is a very capable staff member and is talented with people well beyond that of former Senior Admin, Oliver. Zindain will be getting the position of both Senior Admin and Chairman of the Administrative Board today.

Finally, an old staff member Ethanchr has been rehired to the staff team! Ethan has been playing Alluminus for just as long as Zin has and is well versed in the inner workings of the staff team. Ethan will make a great new addition to the team and it is great having him back.

-Chr Corporation: Brightening up your day

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